DS125 Chisel type integral drill rod grinder

Air Grinding machine - DS125 Chisel type integral drill rod grinder

DS-125 Air grinding machine (for Integral rod,chisel bits,button bits sharpening)(integral drill rod chisel type) milling machine surface grinder.its Capable for re-grinding of Blunted Drill Steel Rods at an angle of 110o. Since the BCG is subjected for arduous working conditions in the Mines, Quarries. The Grinder is now developed with specialized design and mounted on Drill Steel Rods, possessing high design and mounted on Drill Steel Rods, possessing high strength balance and easy to transport and simple to setup.


Air comsuption1.5m³/min
Working pressure6Bar
Sharpening angle110°
Rotate speed3500r
Grinding wheels size(L*D*H)120*23*63mm
Grinder Inside hole(diameter)32mm
Air hose Diameter19mm